Samuel Baird
Games and Learning Portfolio

The Coca Cola Company

Client The Coca Cola Company
Role Lead development, game design
Technology Javascript, PixiJS, ThreeJS, Multiplayer

Even giant iconic brands like Coca Cola have struggled to deal with the decreasing effectiveness and relevance of traditional forms of advertising, and have evolved their EU region app into a multi-faceted engagement and loyalty platform, bringing together, campaigns, music, news and games.

Millipede was commissioned to create games for this platform, going on to create five games after a successful initial engagement. Many of the existing games on the platform were poorly executed, barely customised generic templates, with minimal brand and campaign integration, clunky on-screen controls and poor playability. We set out to lift the standard in all those areas, creating games that were stylish and genuinely engaging, that communicated and strengthened the brand message, and that felt at home in a mobile app.

I was lead developer and game designer on all of these games, as we created the first multiplayer game on the platform, a beautifully rendered 3D bottle spin and a number of fun minigames, all integrated with the platform's currency and reward features, and published across most markets in Europe.